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DSP Tiles
DSP Tiles
DSP stands for Digital Signal Processor. It is a dedicated piece of hardware in the FPGA that is able to perform multiply and add operations quickly. We can either infer or instantiate DSP tiles.
In Xilinx FPGAs:
- The DSP48 slice is an 18 x 18 bit two’s complement multiplier followed by a 48-bit sign-extended adder/subtracter/accumulator.
- The DSP48 slices support many independent functions, including multiplier, multiplier-accumulator (MAC), multiplier followed by an adder, three-input adder, barrel shifter, wide bus multiplexers, magnitude comparator, or wide counter. The architecture also supports connecting multiple DSP48 slices to form wide math functions, DSP filters, and complex arithmetic without the use of general FPGA fabric.