Combinational Circuits

A sample testbench for one of my previous projects is here:

`timescale 1 ns/10 ps  // time-unit = 1 ns, precision = 10 ps


    reg [3*3*8-1:0] color_matrix;
    wire [7:0]       conv_result;

    // duration for each period = 20 * timescale = 20 * 1 ns  = 20ns
    localparam period = 20;  

    reg return_black;

    initial // initial block executes only once
            return_black = 0;
            // values for a and b
            color_matrix = {8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255};
            #period; // wait for period 

            color_matrix = {8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0};

            color_matrix = {8'd255, 8'd10, 8'd45, 8'd65, 8'd36, 8'd47, 8'd53, 8'd111, 8'd200};

            return_black = 1;

            color_matrix = {8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255, 8'd255};
            #period; // wait for period 

            color_matrix = {8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0, 8'd0};

            color_matrix = {8'd255, 8'd10, 8'd45, 8'd65, 8'd36, 8'd47, 8'd53, 8'd111, 8'd200};


A few important lines:

  • timescale 1 ns/10 ps
  • localparam period = 20
  • #period
  • See when reg and wire are used

Sequential Circuits

A sample testbench for one of my previous projects is here:

    reg clk;
    reg [10:0] x;
    reg [10:0] y;
    reg [7:0] curr_pixel_data;
    wire [7:0] blurred_pixel_data;

    integer write_data;
    integer i;

    // [7:0] 8 bits of data per pixel color
    // [0:63] a total of 64 pixels in 64 lines (8 lines of 8 pixels)
    reg [7:0] read_data [0:230400];

        GB (

    initial begin
        clk = 1'b0;
        repeat(230400*2) #10 clk = ~clk; // generate a clock

    initial begin
        x = 1'b0;
        y = 1'b0;
        i = 0;
        $readmemh("test_input_output_files/dimmer_green_channel.txt", read_data);
        write_data = $fopen("test_input_output_files/dimmer_green_channel_out.txt");
        repeat(230400) @(posedge clk) begin
            curr_pixel_data = read_data[i];
            $fdisplay(write_data, "%h", blurred_pixel_data);
            i = i + 1;
            if (x == 639) begin
                x = 0;
                y = y + 1;
            else x = x + 1;


A few lines to note:

  • $readmemb used to read a file for binary data
  • $fopen and $fdisplay used to write to file
  • integer i used to iterate through data read array
  • The setting up of the clock signal in the initial block
  • The use of repeat to count the number of loops to make

Sample of a self-checking + randomising testbench for combinatorial circuit:

The module file:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module adder(
    input logic [3:0] a, b,
    output logic [4:0] sum
    assign sum = a + b;

The testbench file with self checking + randomising:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module adder_tb();
    logic [3:0] a_in;
    logic [3:0] b_in;
    logic [4:0] result_out;
    logic [4:0] true_result;
    adder dut(a_in, b_in, result_out);
    localparam period = 10;
    initial begin
        repeat(10) begin
            a_in = $urandom_range(7, 0);
            b_in = $urandom_range(7, 0);
            true_result = a_in + b_in;
            if (result_out != true_result) begin
                $error("Incorrect Output");
        $display("Test passed");


Sample of a self-checking + randomising testbench for sequential circuit:

The module file:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module adder(
    input logic clk,
    input logic [3:0] a, b,
    output logic [4:0] sum
    always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
        sum <= a + b;

The testbench file with self checking + randomising:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module adder_tb();
    logic clk;
    logic rst;
    logic [3:0] a_in;
    logic [3:0] b_in;
    logic [4:0] result_out;
    logic [4:0] true_result;
    localparam period = 10;
    adder dut(clk, rst, a_in, b_in, result_out);
    initial begin
        clk = 0;
        rst = 1;
        repeat(4) #(period/2) clk=~clk;
        rst = 0;
        forever #(period/2) clk=~clk;
     initial begin
        a_in = 0;
        b_in = 0;
        //result_out = 0;
        true_result = 0;
        // wait for rst
        @(negedge rst);
        repeat (50) @(posedge clk) begin
            true_result = a_in + b_in; // do this before reassigning to show correct order
            a_in = $urandom_range(7, 0);
            b_in = $urandom_range(7, 0);
            $display("Result out:", result_out);
            $display("True Result:", true_result);

Some examples of randomiser functions in SV:

$urandom( ) and $random( )

eg. variable = $urandom(seed); //seed is an optional argument


The $urandom_range() function returns an unsigned integer within a specified range.

variable = $urandom_range( int unsigned maxval, int unsigned minval = 0 );


Variables can be randomized by using std::randomize method. It can accept the inline constraints using the “with” clause.

std::randomize (variable); std::randomize (variable) with { constraint’s; };

std::randomize (variable-1, variable-2 … variable-n); std::randomize (variable-1, variable-2 … variable-n) with { constraint’s; };

eg std::randomize(data,data_x_4) with { data == addr * 8; data_x_4 == data * 4;